Today we have Lilit from Makeup and Macaroons taking part in my blogger interview series. Random fact for you all, I have never eaten a macaroon! Her blog has all sorts of lovely makeup goodness with a few macaroon recipes thrown in for good measure.
- Quick fire question – tell us something you love about blogging and something you’re not too crazy about!
I love everything about blogging, from trying out new products to review, to hearing my readers' feedback on particular looks for products. It gives me a little creative outlet at the end of the day, as I work in a fairly non-creative corporate environment, so this allows my girlie side to come through. So far all my readers have been supportive, and there isn't anything that I don't like about blogging.
- Why beauty/ makeup? What made you decide you wanted to blog about it?
Growing up around glamorous women (mum, aunty, great aunts) I've always been very much into makeup and glamour. I read a lot of beauty blogs for product reviews and swatches, and my husband started pushing me (ok, maybe just a bit of a shove), to create my own blog because in his own words "you buy a lot of makeup anyway, so you'll never run out of things to write about". At first I was hesitant because I thought I would use this as an excuse to buy more makeup that I don't need... then I thought... hang on a second, this will give me an excuse to buy more makeup I don't need, and what girl doesn't need that excuse! So here I am, beauty blogging.
- You have 5 minutes before you have to leave the house. What items do you throw on?
Concealer (to quickly hide imperfections), a peachy blush (to add some life to my face), some clear gloss (so my lips don't look cracked) and mascara. I hope I never only have 5 mins to get ready, because the reality is I will want to use so many more things than what I mentioned.
- Are there any brands that aren’t available in your country that you would love to try? What ‘local’ brands do you think everyone should have a chance to try?
There are a lot of brands that aren't available in Australia, the biggest name coming to mind is Urban Decay. And whatever brands are available here are double, sometimes triple the price of everywhere else. E.g. Revlon foundations here cost around $40, whereas everywhere else they are cheap drugstore brands. That said, we're a crafty lot and have found ways to buy whatever we want cheaply online, even going as far as using mail forwarding systems to buy from stores that don't ship to Australia... ahem... looking at you Sephora.
Some great Aussie brands that others should try are Face of Australia, Australis, and my personal favourite BYS.
- What entices you to follow a new blog? What puts you off?
I love uncomplicated layouts, great pictures and honest writing. And I love to see the person behind the blog, so a little pic in the "about me" section makes the reader see there is a human being behind the blog (although I do realise some people aren't comfortable letting their identity known online, so it's not a big deal for me. My biggest turn off is music that's on autoplay, adverts in every spare inch of the sidebars and top banners, and dishonesty in reviews.
Thanks for taking part Lilit! I totally agree about the music on autoplay. It just makes me click straight off the page rather than stopping to read the content xx
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