
A little while ago I put the word out I was doing a few more lookbook shots
for the Stylestalker girls to go up online - and wolllla - there I am.
The main lady to model the collection is the GORGEOUS Aussie bomb-shell, Shany Hall..
...kind of wish I could say that I was in-fact her in all the shots..ha
But ohhhhhh well. She is smoking. !
I am so very in love with the collection...
...it's like the love child of Scuba-Steve and Malibu-Barbie...
Keep checking back on www.stylestalker.com
though as they are constantly updating with more from the Summer Collection...sweeeet.
Also at the moment shipping is a flat rate of $8 within Australia...yahhhhh.
Hope you all had great weekends!
I am loving my week so far...minus cold from hell of course.
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