Prepping for the Mistletoe with Lush

It’s Advent! My Mum has very kindly bought my husband and I Stig advent calendars this year. Yes we are big kids, what of it? Anyhoo I’ve been trialling a couple of limited edition Christmas lip products from Lush. If you like the sound of these move quickly, they won’t be around forever! (As far as I know anyway). First off we have Lip Dip. It’s basically a lip scrub which is supposed to be sherbet, cranberry and lemon flavoured. Personally I think it smells and tastes exactly like lemon sorbet. Please excuse the fuzzy photo. I must have been having an off day/ week/ year (delete as applicable).

Unlike the permanent range of lip scrubs this is made with sherbet instead of castor sugar so it’s much more gentle at exfoliating you lips. I personally don’t find the other scrubs too abrasive but if you do this is a gentler option. It’s messy and awkward to use but it tastes so good I don’t care. I find it leaves my lips smooth and flake free though I follow it up with a hefty lip balm. This costs £4.50.

Next we have the infamous Snow Fairy scent in tinted lip balm form. I really like bubble gum scented products and this is no exception. The hot pink in the pan appealed too but unfortunately I can’t get it to show up at all. As a tint it really doesn’t do much. It does have some pigmentation but it doesn't last long on me. If you're after a really bright pink lip I'd suggest Models Own lip balm or Sleek Pount Polish.  As a balm it benefits from being warmed up, I keep it in my pocket, otherwise it’s a bit too hard so it’s difficult to actually get any product. It does a decent enough job of moisturising my lips though. Personally I don’t think I’ll bother with these balms again as I just have so many others that are cheaper and do a better job. It does smell damn tasty though. I’m not entirely sure how much it cost as it’s not on the Lush site as I type this but I know it’s still in stores and I’m sure costs less than a fiver. 

Do I think either of these products are must haves? Well I do need a lipscrub and Lip Dip is by far the tastiest option I’ve ever tried so I’m prepared to put up with the mess. Snow fairy is only a must have for Snow fairy addicts. As a lip balm it’s distinctly meh x

*I bought these myself*
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