
Harley Davidson Vintage T-Shirt - Op Shopped Mens
Plaid Shirt - Op Shopped Mens
Shorts - GRIPP DIY from Jeans
Boots - Second Hand Docs, Ebay
Sunnies - Sportsgirl
Bag - Leather Witchery
Rings - Diva and Sportsgirl
Necklaces - Gift Cross and Sportsgirl
Bracelets - Tiffany & Co, Bondi Markets, and leather strands
Good morning all!
This is what I wore out and about on my day off work yesterday.
At the moment the weather is this happy medium (finalllly).... I am enjoying being able to lightly layer outfits without being uncomfortable.
When it gets too hot all fashion has to (almost) be put aside as a matter of life or death.
(obviously joking).
A few very exciting things are keeping me super positive atm which I love.
Sending positive energy vibes out to you ALL!
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