YSL Touche Eclat Radiant Touch v By Terry Touch Veloutee

I like comparing and contrasting products which in essence are designed to do the same thing, it reminds me of English A-Level essays.

Of course these are both designed by Terry de Gunzburg, the first whilst she worked for YSL and the second when she started her own makeup brand By Terry.

I never bought into the idea of a highlighting concealer, and laughed at my sister who clickety clicked her way through many a golden pen in the '90s, but suddenly and overnight or so it seemed I developed brown eyelids...where on earth did they appear from? and an annoying inherited freckle on my lower eyelid. At around that time (I was probably about 36) I was wondering absentmindedly through the Cosmetics Hall of a large department store - not a good idea - and before I knew it a cosumate SA had me in the chair weilding her aforementioned golden pen and I was amazed at the results, I looked, well alive, rested, friendly. Of course I purchased on the spot and have been using admittedly more off than on ever since....but one always wonders if there is something better.

For me these are different products, and it maybe is unfair to compare them. Touche Eclat is for me an eye product, I know that it can be used along cheek bones, around the lips, in the naso-labial folds but for me it is purely an eye thing, for a start the brush head is slender and narrow.
Touche Veloutee is more of a concealer, the brush head is wider, the texture is more dense, the finish more opaque.
However compare them I will.

Here are my eyes, sans anything apart from my skin.

I have splodged these on and around my eyes - Touche Veloutee on the left eye (the denser texture can be seen) and Touche Eclat on the right eye.
I then use a MAC #183 brush to blend in, a la gossmakeupartist - I can't find the actual video I saw him demonstrate this technique and I think it was with a BB concealer but saw the technique and thought "at last a use for a brush that I have had knocking about in my makeup stash"

Blended in below

And with a bit of mascara and groomed eyebrows.

To me the difference between the 2 products is that Touche Eclat has a lighter more translucent consistency, it really is a highlighter and thus lightens my teabag stains which to be frank are not horrendous. It lasts all day. Touche Veloutee is more of a concealer, the finish is more matte. Again it lasts all day. My problem with Touche Veloutee is that it has an all pervading scent of rose which slightly turns my stomach - I can deal with it just about in a lip product but not in this. I also think that I have the wrong shade - I automatically picked up the palest shade which is very pale and too pale I think for me.
Touche Eclat is £24.99 for 2.5mls and Touche Veloutee is £33 for 6.5 mls.
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