Mini The Company Store Purchase

The Company Store is just like the Cosmetic Company Store, only the doors bear the words "By Invitation Only," which makes it seem much fancier than it actually is. In reality, the ability to shop at one is determined by whether your company is on a allowed access, and it's pretty location driven. Employees of most companies in the area surrounding a store can shop there.

I wanted a brush that would deposit less color than my Bobbi Brown Face Blender Brush for my new Nude Shimmer Brick, and picked up a Prescriptives fan brush. It's larger and denser than my Becca fan brush, which I use primarily for a light dusting of highlighter on my cheeks.

Becca vs. Prescriptives Fan Brush:
You can see how much larger and denser the Prescriptives (left) brush is. A total bargain at $12.50!

I also bought Bobbi Brown Lip Shine SPF 15 in Blush. One of the few lipsticks I've used up in its entirety was Bobbi Brown's Nude Pink Lip Shine, and so even though this product has been discontinued, I bought it. It's a sheer pretty nude pink that goes with everything. Sunscreen in lip products usually makes my lips peel, but so far so good.
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