Are you missing out on the greatest free deal of the century? You are if you’re not exercising moderately for thirty minutes five or more days a week. Everyone knows that exercise burns calories and helps you maintain a healthy weight.
You probably also know the “Use it or lose it” motto as applied to exercise. If you don’t keep all the parts moving, they gradually lose their ability to do so. And it’s never too late to start. Read about this fascinating research study that got some wheelchair bound 80- and 90-year olds walking again.
Maybe you even know that exercise causes the release of brain chemicals called endorphins, such as dopamine and serotonin. But did you know that a recent review of back pain studies concluded that being active reduces back pain. The same was found in a review of migraine research studies. Migraine sufferers who were more active reported significantly fewer and less painful migraine attacks than more sedentary migraine sufferers.
Endorphins are the body’s natural painkillers, sleep aids and anti-depressants. So get moving and get your endorphins. They’re free!
Tags: nature’s painkillers, endorphins, exercise for pain relief
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