· * Quick fire question – tell us something you love about blogging and something you’re not too crazy about!
I love the interaction between myself and other bloggers, i love reading other blogs and getting tips, learning new things and getting ideas for products to buy! What i'm not too crazy about? Hmmm i hate the pressure to blog regularly, with a full time job and lots of other commitments i can't always dedicate time to blogging daily. :( · * Why beauty/ makeup? What made you decide you wanted to blog about it?
I chose make up and beauty because at the time it was really my only outlet, i was living in an awful town which i hated, hadn't really made any friends and my husband was always away working, i was desperate to talk about things i was interested in and the latest lotions and potions always interested me, so that's how my little blog began, it's morphing all the time, and through it and twitter i've gotten to know so many lovely people with the same interests and me! You'll be happy to know i'm in a much nicer town now and get to see a lot more of my hubster! · * You have 5 minutes before you have to leave the house. What items do you throw on?
Clothes? haha, well assuming i'm already wearing my outfit for the day, and this question relates to make up? My "go to" quick face is lashings of mascara and a pale pink lip. Easy to wear and quick to apply :) · * Are there any brands that aren’t available in your country that you would love to try? What ‘local’ brands do you think everyone should have a chance to try?
Hmm i'm not sure, i would like "Cargo" to be more assessable in the UK, and i wish Stila was a bit more available too, but saying that, you can still find them if you search! I do think that everyone should get the chance to try Natural Collection or Collection 2000, they're good high street brands that don't cost the Earth but have some gems if you look for them! · * What entices you to follow a new blog? What puts you off?
I'm always interested in blogs that diversify a bit, not all beauty all the time. So ones with variety always keep me interested, i'll usually follow a blog that's written well and keeps me amused. What puts me off? I HATE when people will do post after post after post on the freebies they've received. Great that they're getting them and all that, but once in a while we'd like to see something a little different, well i would anyway!Thanks for taking the time to answer Hannah :-) I'm totally with you hating feeling obliged to blog. I think sometimes we all need to remind ourselves that this a hobby, not a day job! xx
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