Glamour Freebies

Unless you’ve been living under a rock recently you’ll know that Glamour in the UK this month have been giving away full sized Bad Gal pencils, Eye Bright and It Stick. If you buy three mags to get all three you spend £6. That’s £45 of product for a fraction of the price!!!!

Of course I bought all three and I’m chuffed to bits about it. However I can’t help but wonder if Benefit have shot themselves in the foot a bit here. This isn’t the first time Glamour have done Benefit promotions. If the full size products are being given away for free so often (not like all the time but you get my drift) are they really worth the full price in the first place?

Regardless of their full price I’m pleased to have a chance to try these out. So far Bad Gal seems ok. It’s good but I have equally good pencils that cost the same. Eye Bright is a funny one. It’s much less stark than a white pencil for your inner corners which I like but I’m a bit worried it makes my eyes look red. The Is Stick it kind of the wrong colour for a concealer for me.

I need to play with these a bit more before giving a final verdict on whether or not I would repurchase at full price. Either way if you want to try these out for little to no money get thee to a newsagents! x
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