Let’s Get This Turkey Back on Track

OK, I admit it. Despite my usual discipline and mantra of “everything in moderation”, I ate entirely too much yesterday. Then because I was so tired from all the cooking and partying, I didn’t work out this morning as I usually do.

This could be the start of the proverbial “Holiday 7” – the seven pounds on average that people are said to gain between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. There have been a few years when I matched or exceeded that average.

I could make all kinds of excuses why I should continue to let myself go (wild). “The holidays only come once a year. I don’t want to offend the hostess by turning down that luscious dessert. I can diet tomorrow. I deserve a treat once in a while.” But I choose not to make excuses. I choose not to continue on the track of excess.

I choose to be good to myself. I’m getting back on the track of moderation. I’ll eat lightly today. I have this little psychological trick of telling myself how stuffed I still feel. It makes me not even want to look at food. Another thing that often helps is to get absorbed in something I really love.

Saturdays I don’t normally work out but I plan to tomorrow. Then I’m going to open up my sewing machine and sew up some Christmas gifts I’ve been wanting to make. That will keep my hands busy, my mind on my sewing and my feet far from the kitchen!

Find more of my healthy eating tips and diet tips.

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